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    Class-leading ecommerce platform powering retail and B2B success.

tradeit™ is an enterprise-class ecommerce platform that powers multichannel retailing, global ecommerce and sophisticated omnichannel strategies, handling any mixture of brand, B2B, D2C, retail, international or multi-site requirements. It's a highly robust, yet flexible and scalable, ecommerce platform combining leading edge ecommerce, advanced content management, innovative marketing functionality and smooth order processing.

An ecommerce platform full of features

Ecommerce Accelerators

Deploy fully functional Retail or B2B ecommerce solutions quick and easily.

Drawing on experience gained creating hundreds of ecommerce websites over the last 15+ years, we have specified, designed and developed best practice retail & B2B, responsive ecommerce websites - our pre-configured ecommerce storefronts. Including tailored, enhanced ecommerce features, they allow us to deploy complete enterprise-level ecommerce solutions at a lower cost allow our customers to launch proven Retail and B2B ecommerce websites straight out of the box.

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Compass on desk

Content Management

Create and update product & web content.

The easy to manage CMS is ideal for creating seamless online user journeys and consistent experiences across any device and touchpoint. With a rich PIM for control of product data, simple in-site editing of content, and numerous tools for social engagement, it offers the complete solution for combining commerce, content and community from a single platform.

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Convert browsers into buyers.

tradeit features comprehensive search, sorting, and facets powered by Elasticsearch alongside product recommendations and SEO Tools that all help improve your users' experience and increase conversions.

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Person holding lots of jeans

Clothes rack with discount tag


Increase conversion rates and AOV with class-leading tools.

The tradeit ecommerce platform features a comprehensive toolset that enables you to attract, engage, convert and re-engage your users, turning them from casual visitors to loyal customers, driving up average order values and delivering the best possible ROI for your website across all channels.

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Commerce & Orders

Complete control of your online orders, fulfilment and customer service.

tradeit's commerce and order management functionality helps you ensure the smoothest operations, increase sales, encourage repeat purchases and deliver great customer service through the innovative suite of tools.

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Person wrapping box


Platform Architecture

The nuts and bolts of the tradeit ecommerce platform.

tradeit has been strategically developed to be a holistically entwined ecommerce and CMS platform providing implementation flexibility and competitive advantage to its users. tradeit is a .NET ecommerce platform and has been built using trusted Microsoft technologies including a SQL Server Database.

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Integration Hub

Deliver fully integrated retail and B2B ecommerce solutions.

Tie together your ecommerce store and business systems to give you a seamless flow of data between your website and accounting, ERP, CRM, WMS, OMS, stock management, fulfilment, PSPs, marketplace channels and many more.

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people holding pieces of a big jigsaw puzzle
See the key features of tradeit

tradeit Retail & B2B ecommerce features

Ecommerce Content Management System

Create and update product & web content.

tradeit's Content Management System makes the task of managing web content across ecommerce websites quicker and easier for non-technical
staff. Allied to the PIM for control of product data and various tools for social engagement, it offers the complete solution for combining commerce, content and community from a single platform.

Product Information Management (PIM)

  • Manage all product catalogue and data (pricing, images, stock, descriptions, translations, downloads, reviews, ratings etc..)
  • Unlimited products, SKUs, facets, categories and attributes (includes aliases, company-specific SKUs, custom attributes etc...)
  • Product variations management - colours, sizes, flavours etc...
  • Support other product types: subscriptions, digital products (mp3/ebook), event booking, warranties & samples
  • Share product data between multiple channels with different pricing, currencies, & languages
  • Setup and manage relationships between products and categories
  • Customisable & configurable cross & up-sells
  • Manage search and sort options
  • Support multi-lingual, multi-currency, multi-warehouse and multi-taxation models

Web Content Management (WCM)

  • Customisable, responsive design
  • On-page editing using pre-defined components
  • Roles/rules-based administration system
  • Conditional components allow merchants to define whom, when and why to display content to users and can also be used for multivariate testing
  • Built-in image editing tool & automatic resizer delivering 30% reduction in image size NEW
  • Integrated management of all media files
  • Supports content types including text, images (banners, galleries, carousels, sliders, zooms, 360 spins), Flash, videos, navigation, forms, surveys and downloads
  • Content can be scoped to the application, a channel, template or a page
  • Create events and collect attendee information during the checkout process
  • Internationalised for multiple languages including Cyrillic and symbol-based text
  • Google reCAPTHCA on forms
  • Zone transformers can alter the UX (i.e. change lists into tabs or carousels for example) and apply conditions individually
  • Content lifecycle management including rollback
  • Product recommendations component provides recommendations based on tradeit's product metrics
  • Duplicate entire channels for fasting launching of international or additional brand sites NEW
  • Support for WebP images NEW

Community & Social Tools

  • Integrated blogs and forums with tagging
  • Send-to-a-friend (can include reward for both referee and referrer in conjunction with the promotions engine)
  • Built-in on-site social network: allows users to create profiles (bio, images, social media, avatar), upload content: images, videos, photos etc... follow/unfollow others, like uploaded content, add comments and share
  • Site-wide/individual activity feeds bring everything together and alert other users of activity such as new upload, content, visits, purchases
  • Three way Q&A including moderation
  • Built-in ratings & reviews engine (ratings can be used as sort option)
  • Customisable & configurable cross & up-sells
  • Control over, twitter cards and rich snippets

Ecommerce Merchandising

Convert browsers into buyers.

tradeit features comprehensive search, sorting, and facets powered by Elasticsearch alongside product recommendations and SEO Tools that all help improve your users' experience and increase conversions.

Elasticsearch can now be configured as the search provider for tradeit meaning more product data can be indexed in less time, decreasing the load from tradeit, and increasing the speed of getting product information in front of your customers, as well as providing a host of additional search tools. Learn more...

On-site Search

  • Configurable fuzzy search
  • Automatic, intelligent ranking of products on key metrics
  • Boost rankings by weighting metrics
  • Pin products based on criteria like NEW, IN STOCK, ON OFFER, BRAND etc...
  • Multiple search passes in one with weighting applied to each
  • Built-in stemmer caters for language variations
  • Configurable Synonyms
  • Intelligent search suggestions based on indexed data
  • Partial matches anywhere within keywords
  • More consistent results returned
  • Configure Elasticsearch as the search provider for product search and listings
  • Simple upload function for importing synonyms NEW


  • Choice of pagination, infinite scrolling or lazy loading (set % of page scrolled through before loading more)
  • Drag-and-drop tool for manual merchandising control of category pages
  • Pre-defined and customisable sort options driven by real-time data
  • Two dimensional sort options
  • Category-specific sort options

Facets & Filters

  • Multi-tick faceted navigation
  • Single or multi-selections
  • Choose from different display options
  • Populate pre-selected facets for increase accuracy


  • Use for both cross-sells and up-sells
  • Control product relationships & ordering
  • Use pre-defined metrics to populate based on real time data
  • Configurable naming conventions (e.g. 'Other people bought...')
  • Personalise based on user profile and/or actions
  • Power recommendations from the dedicated component
  • Choose from automated or manual population, or mixture of both
  • Boost products via weighted recommendations to push them up the rankings

SEO Tools

  • Automatic Google sitemap generation
  • Control formatting of URLs
  • Management of all redirects
  • Full control of all on-page elements such as page titles, meta tags, h1-h6 etc...
  • Proper output of image tags and similar
  • Facet-friendly URLs with legible syntax
  • Support for canonical tagging
  • Configurable marketing/vanity URLs
  • Redirects work across secure and not secure protocols
  • Automatically updated link fields to avoid any dead links when URLs change
  • Apply 'catch all' wildcard redirects

Elasticsearch logo

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Ecommerce Marketing

Increase conversion rates and AOV with class-leading tools.

The tradeit ecommerce platform is a best of breed solution that encompasses an impressive suite of marketing tools which can be deployed to personalise the user’s experience. This will ultimately increase user engagement, re-engagement and conversion and drives great results. Tools include; the promotions engine, conditional components, email marketing, event triggered emails, rich gifting tools and loyalty schemes.

Promotions Engine

  • Configurable rules-based system
  • Multiple offer types including discounts, bundles, coupons, and more
  • Target or restrict specific users/user groups/products/brands/channels from offers/promotions
  • Layer multiple offers and define the order applied
  • Offer promotional reward point amounts applicable with normal off conditions
  • Copy existing offers to set up similar new ones through tweaking
  • Limit offer usage across the site, or per user
  • First time order offers for guest checkout using email address NEW
  • Full offer reporting for each campaign
  • Calculate discount from parent price list to ensure user is getting best price but not on top of any existing reduced price NEW
  • Offer multiple free gifts with variations
  • Create unique coupon codes for use in email campaigns (export for use with other ESP if required)
  • Discounts split across line items to avoid outputting negative values (some ERPs don't support negative values)
  • Users can disable offers if they don't want to take advantage of them
  • Include or exclude subscription customers from any promotion NEW

Conditional Components

  • Content based on user profile: demographics, location, previous footprint
  • Support multiple content types including products, images, videos, Flash, HTML
  • Display across sessions and defined time period
  • Show different content at different breakpoints if required
  • Display across different pages on your site
  • Group components together within a zone NEW
  • Show multiple adverts in a single zone using carousels - order of adverts is definable
  • Personalise content based on user actions: where they came from (PPC, Affiliates, email campaign etc..), what they searched for, what they looked at, what they added to basket, what offers they have fulfilled
  • Display content when offers 'almost' apply NEW
  • Restrict or display content based on which content, product or category page the user is viewing NEW

*NOTE: As of tradeit 701, Conditional Components have replaced the advertising system for even greater functionality

Email Marketing

  • Supports all transactional, bulk and triggered emails
  • Deliver targeted content based on definable user actions or inaction
  • Report on all campaigns
  • Editable HTML email templates for workflow emails using same familiar interface as in-site editing NEW
  • Trigger email based on condition 'is customer's first order' NEW


  • Integrated points-based loyalty scheme
  • Configurable collection and redemption values
  • Full or part payment using points
  • Loyalty point balance in My Account
  • Manually credit or debit points using call centre
  • Points earned against each order (inc/exc VAT & delivery)
  • Define whether points are earned against orders paid for with points
  • Use to apply store credits to a user's account
  • Use in promotions (i.e. double points today)
  • Configurable expiry dates on points stored against user accounts
  • Set Spend & Save targets for customers and display their balance, target, & previous performance in their my account


  • Personalised e-gift cards with online or in-store redemption
  • Pay via multiple gift cards or as part payment
  • Fixed or customisable gift card values
  • Multiple gift wrap, boxes or hamper options on an item, group or basket level
  • Personalised messaging on an item, group or basket level
  • Anonymous sending (ideal for Valentine's Day)
  • Scheduled arrival dates
  • Multiple gift list support
  • Report against user gift lists for marketing purposes
  • Personal address book with reminder service
  • Include 'Do not open until...' messaging with user-specified date

Subscriptions NEW

  • Fully PCI-DSS compliant
  • Offer replenishment, curated or access subscriptions.
  • Delivery options automatically applied to ensure items arrive when customer requests
  • Choice of frequency (weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc..) , customisable on a per product basis
  • Failed payment notification for customer and merchant including reporting
  • Configurable payment options, delivery addresses and delivery days
  • Full customer management of all of their subscriptions including any updates, changes, additions and cancellations

Ecommerce Order Management & Fulfilment

Complete control of your online orders, fulfilment and customer service.

tradeit's commerce and order management functionality helps you ensure the smoothest operations, increase sales, encourage repeat purchases and deliver great customer service through the innovative suite of tools.


  • Member and guest checkout options
  • Multiple saved baskets
  • Mini-basket
  • Single or multi-page checkout
  • Optional enclosed checkout
  • Saved card payment through tokenisation
  • Encrypted using SSL
  • Supports multiple payment methods: on account, invoice, debit/credit card, pre-paid credits, subscription, direct debit, buy now pay later
  • Integrated with Loqate address finder
  • Integrated with major PSPs including TRU//ST Pay, Adyen, CyberSource, PayPal, & Worldpay
  • Selectable basket aggregation meaning same SKUs can multiply when added to basket or remain as separate items in exceptional circumstances

Order Management & Fulfilment

  • Supports multiple warehouses for different domains/channels
  • Define tax and delivery options for each warehouse
  • Configurable cut-off times for order picking at each warehouse on each delivery option
  • Setup and configure different tax areas and rates for each channel
  • Calculate delivery based on basket items, basket price, or basket weight
  • Configurable product delivery surcharges for individual items or delivery types
  • Pricing rules for each delivery option
  • Configure multiple delivery types for each channel/domain
  • Definable order rules for additional fraud protection
  • Automatic or manual order status updates
  • Append notes to order status updates
  • Print orders, invoices and packing slips (including bin numbers for exact location of items)
  • Configurable/customisable order workflows
  • Search and filtering options for finding orders
  • Allow child price lists to be selected when configuring delivery costs in the admin system NEW

My Account

  • Change/forgotten passwords
  • Update/set preferences
  • Submit service requests/enquiries
  • View, administer and remove multiple saved baskets
  • View all current, previous and back orders plus order details
  • Manage calendar and reminders
  • Setup and manage multiple wish/gift lists and distribute them
  • Double opt-in registration and subscription functions, and the ability for users to close their own account will full event logging, in line with the GDPR
  • View offline orders (subject to integration)

B2B My Account

  • View credit limits & outstanding balances
  • Export previous orders and print
  • View and pay invoices online (add to basket and pay on credit or debit card)
  • Quotation management

Call Centre/MOTO/Endless Aisle

  • Process online, telephone, mail and in-store orders
  • Handle customer queries and disputes
  • Place orders on customers' behalf
  • Build, revise and review customer quotes with personalised pricing
  • Process returns, refunds and replacements
  • View all customer orders and check their status
  • Update user details on their behalf
  • All sensitive information (password, payment details) is encrypted and protected from administrators
  • Use on tablet devices in stores for endless aisle, or on the road for salespeople
  • Assign account managers to customers and enable only them to administer those specific accounts
  • Apply or remove promotions from particular users, including adding free gifts
  • Use with services like PCI-PAL Agent Assist or via in-store PDQs for secure payments over the phone or on the shop floor
  • Administrator override for restricted products, meaning staff can add them to a basket and order on a user's behalf
  • Configure payment options available to call centre users meaning you can prevent the use of some NEW

Split Orders

  • Split a single order to multiple delivery addresses (includes in-store collection)
  • Split basket by items or group of items
  • Offer different fulfilment and gifting options on each item or group of items
  • Schedule delivery of items or groups of items at different times
  • Include gift wrapping, messaging on items or groups of items
  • Optional auto-splitting on product availability (i.e. send in stock items now and others when available)

Ecommerce Integration Hub

Deliver fully integrated retail and B2B ecommerce solutions.

Tie together your ecommerce store and business systems to give you a seamless flow of data between your website and accounting, ERP, CRM, WMS, OMS, stock management, fulfilment, PSPs, marketplace channels and much more.

  • Accepts XML, Tab and Web Services
  • Supports all commercial and in-house packages
  • Control affiliate and comparison feeds
  • Communicate with any software package based on your own defined business rules and schedule
  • Manage marketplace feeds
  • Pre-integrated with Loqate
  • Authenticate passwords imported from external systems
  • Integrate with online chat providers
  • Import/export of data via CSV
  • Robust, secure integrations with PSPs
  • Pre-built integrations with Google Analytics
  • Integrate with fraud screening and payment security solutions

Business to Business Ecommerce

Ecommerce for Wholesalers, Distributors and Manufacturers.
  • Master and sub-accounts with permissions
  • Configurable, personalised pricing on a user/department/company level
  • Built-in quotation system, push quote via email and my account, configure pricing (against visible margin), expiry date
  • Offer both gross and net pricing
  • Manage pricing by price list or currency
  • Manage cost centres, set and manage credit limits for accounts
  • Full control of back orders
  • Minimum order quantities (MOQs)
  • Vendor managed inventory with auto ordering
  • Set approved payment methods (e.g. on account, invoice, credit/debit card, account credit)
  • Configurable payment options against each user (credit limit, pricing, MOQs)
  • Quantity steps on products (5, 10, 15 etc...)
  • Supports batch numbers and expiry dates
  • Price list manager (set the % value of child price lists against parent price lists for products, product groups and customers)
  • Integration with VAT checker to validate business authenticity
  • Toggle between retail and trade pricing
  • Different shipping/fulfilment options based on user/company
  • Volume-based quantity breaks
  • Click & Collect/Reserve for collection points/trade counters
  • Trading prices, previous price and RRP
  • Account management via Call Centre
  • Quick order tools: repeat orders, quick order pads, quote-to-order, regularly ordered items including bulk upload of via CSV/Excel
  • Customer and order reporting

Ecommerce Platform Resources

See a comprehensive list of the retail & B2B feature set of tradeit.

Learn more about our pre-configured ecommerce storefronts designed to launch retail or B2B ecommerce sites quickly and easily

Covering PIM, in-site editing and social tools, tradeit's CMS is designed to enable non-technical users to administer every element of their website, delivering class-leading experiences for their customers.

Learn how to personalise any content on your site with conditional components.

Learn more about tradeit's complete built-in suite of marketing tools including: promotions engine, conditional components, on-site search, facets, sorting and navigation, recommendations engine, email marketing, SEO tools, loyalty scheme and gifting.
Understand more about how tradeit's advertising system helps merchants deliver the right content, to the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Generate recurring revenues and increase convenience with regularly ordered items using traedit's built-in subscription functionality.

Learn more about tradeit's suite of gifting and fulfilment functionality.

Covering the checkout, my account, call centre and order management systems learn more about how tradeit can help with the day to day running of your ecommerce operation.

Examine order processing, returns and replacements workflows in more depth.

Handle online, telephone, mail & in-store orders, manage returns, refunds, exchanges & customer service issues, while empowering customers to manage their own accounts.

Understand more about the capabilities of tradeit's integration hub and how it helps merchants knit together their ecommerce eco-system.

Ecommerce Platform News & Insights

client news  
Pets Corner replatform to the tradeit ecommerce platform
Red Technology unveils highly anticipated launch of new Pets Corner website on the tradeit ecommerce platform...
The Pitfalls of App Overload in Ecommerce
We examine the dangers of relying on apps and plugins to extend your ecommerce platforms functionality versus a platform whose features are all inherent...
Why your ecommerce platform is only one element of a replatforming project
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tradeit ecommerce platform update 8.0.0
Details on the latest update of the tradeit ecommerce platform, 8.0.0
Multi-site ecommerce and your online strategy
If you’re an online or omni-channel retailer who is looking to grow online revenues efficiently, differentiate your brands, or enter new markets, then multi-channel technology should be at the very heart of your ecommerce strategy...
Why leading giftware brands are choosing Red Technology & tradeit
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The next evolution of B2B ecommerce shaping the IT industry
We talk to Technology Reseller about how tradeit is already delivering next-generation ecommerce to businesses in the IT sector...
How Builder’s Merchants are driving their digital evolution with tradeit
We examine how the evolution of digital commerce is affecting builder's merchants and the online tools they need to prosper....
Using a tactical ecommerce platform to experiment and expand with less cost and risk
A look at how the use of tactical ecommerce can help avoid the costly and time-consuming rollouts of additional ecommerce channels or technology...
tradeit ecommerce platform update 7.0.1b
Details on the latest update of the tradeit ecommerce platform, 7.0.1b