tradeit ecommerce platform version 5.0
The release of update 5.0 brings more key functionality to the platform including:
Gift Cards NEW
As merchant's wish to offer their customers ever more sophisticated gifting requirements, and omni-channel retailers look to introduce gift cards valid across any, and all, of their channels, tradeit now features full gift card capability to meet these demands, allowing users to:
- Buy gift cards online and send them by post with a personalised message.
- Buy gift cards online and email them to a friend with a personalised message (including a preview of the email before it is sent).
- Buy gift cards in stores (if applicable).
- Redeem gift cards or part of gift cards online or in-store.
- Pay for orders with multiple gift cards as well as other payment methods.
- Pay for all or part of their order with a gift voucher (If the total owing is more than the value of the gift card, the user can split payment between payment methods).
- Buy merchant-defined value gift cards or customise the value to whatever they require.
- Buy multiple gift cards in a single order and send them to different recipients (by post and email or a mixture of the two).
Triggered Emails UPDATED
A new condition has been added which allows merchants to configure and send an email based on a minimum order value, rather than for every single order. This value can differ between channels and price lists meaning merchants can offer different thresholds to different groups of customers (even individual customers if required) or in different currencies.
Coupon Codes NEW
When using targeted/bulk emails for promotional campaigns there is now the capability to generate unique coupon codes for each customer and insert them into any mail template. These unique coupon codes can also be generated and exported for use in a third-party email tool or for other marketing activities such as a printed mailshot. Each code can be given a start and end date as well as defining how many times it can be used in that time period.
Wish Lists or Product Lists UPDATED
tradeit has supported wish lists for several years but this latest update sees the functionality expanded to include multiple wish lists or product lists for the same user. Each list can be defined by the user and be added to/deleted from at any time. These lists can also be reported against so merchants have visibility of which items users have on any of their wish lists. These can then be used for targeted marketing and merchandising possibilities. There also now exists functionality which records the price of an item when it is added to a wish list. This gives merchants another great opportunity to market to customers if the price of an item on their wish list has fallen since it was added.
Pre-selected Facets and Facet-friendly URLs UPDATED
tradeit already features sophisticated functionality around single- and multi-tick facets across both product and content, but has been further enhanced to include pre-selected facets on product categories. This means that merchants can automatically pre-filter a selection of products within a category (i.e. pre-selecting the 'in stock' facet will only show items in that product category that are currently in stock, but the user can then uncheck that facet to see all items - including those that are out of stock). This is also useful for creating filtered product selections when linked to from adverts, email campaigns or for certain user groups.
This linking is also achievable via facet-friendly URLs, which have been enhanced to make the syntax of the URL more user-friendly and readable. So instead of the URL containing a string of numbers, it now contains actual text making it much easier for both the administrator and user to understand. (i.e. http://www.mydomain.com/category?colour=red,blue,yellow).
Order References NEW
Traditionally, tradeit generated a sequential, numeric value to represent each order as it was placed. In 5.0, merchants with multiple, international channels and warehouses can now also export an additional order reference with a prefixed country code for each international channel. this means merchants can have both an overall sequential order number and a sequential order number for each channel. e.g. UK0001 - 0001, UK0002 - 0002, DE0001 - 0003, UK0003 - 0004
Google Sitemaps NEW
Merchants can now completely manage and configure the output of their Google sitemaps from administration system including generating sitemaps for each channel with different href languages and media types if required.
Redirects UPDATED
tradeit has long supported the management of redirects in the administration system, however this functionality has now been extended to include the import and export of these in bulk. Redirect types supported include:
- 301 Permanent
- 302 Temporary
- Marketing (Vanity)
- Category
- Page
- Product
- Custom
Import/Export of Data UPDATED
We have made some significant improvements to the speed of importing and exporting of data, to and from tradeit. Now there is almost no discernible wait during these processes, even when processing substantial amounts of data.
Security UPDATED
Security and risk prevention is always at the forefront of our thinking and tradeit has been further enhanced with additional security measures specifically aimed at combating CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) and XFS (Cross-Frame Scripting).