Healthspan’s international ecommerce rollout reaches Australia

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

With a range of over 200 different health supplements, and over a million customers, Healthspan are on a mission to share their products with the world. Part of that strategy is the rollout of numerous international D2C ecommerce sites for their brands.

The new sites provide D2C ecommerce for both Healthspan, and their new sports-focussed Healthspan Elite brand, to their Australian customers with a full range of sports supplements and vitamins, expert insight from a complete range of health experts, and dedicated club accounts for teams and large groups with collective ordering and payment on invoice.

The tradeit ecommerce platform has been engineered to make the process of international ecommerce expansion simple with the ability to deliver new channels through the same installation. Multiple site management means assets can be shared or unique across any of the sites, whilst multiple payment options, currencies, languages, shipping options, taxation systems and warehouses help deliver dedicated, local ecommerce on a global scale. It's that flexibility and functionality that makes tradeit a perfect tactically solution for rapid, robust international ecommerce that can scale in line with your business.

Visit Healthspan AUVisit Healthspan Elite AU